You and me

You and me

samantha scott


It’s week three baby and I’m laying here at 7 pm on Monday the day after easter writing this to you guys. In my carry Bradshaw era most definitely. I think this is my favorite week's post so far and we’re only three sentences in. When I envisioned starting the skintini blog this is exactly what I had planned.. to have nothing planned. To sit here with a blank sheet on the screen and to type my little heart away. Granted when I started a lot of things ie the podcast, the brand, and the blog. It was like the vision was planted into my brain. I had what I thought it was going to be and then God knew what it was going to be. 

Last week I touched on the preparation in singlehood for marriage and the work he is doing on our behalf. This platform is a living testimony to that. I was open about maybe feeling a little distant from my daily rituals of being in the word and prayer in last week's message. I was able to get a lot of clarity through God's word on Sunday. My pastor at church gave us a message on Mark 28. The first screen to pop up during that message said “Conflicting emotions does not mean your faith is fragile, it just means that you’re human.” He began to speak on how Jesus had saved Mary from a demonic spirit and because of him doing so, Mary didn’t want to be away from Jesus. Mary was so happy that Jesus pulled her out of the darkness and into the light that Mary was going to pour out every resource talent and gift she ever had to help him live out his mission. 

Mary gave Jesus everything she had and followed him everywhere he went. When Jesus was nailed to the cross Mary was the last one to stay there. She followed him to the tomb which she left on the day of Sabbath. And when Mary returned an angel had told her that Jesus was gone. That he was alive and that he wanted her to go back and tell all the disciples. When Mary goes to tell the disciples the word says that she is conflicted. Even though Jesus pulled her from the darkness and even though she saw the angel Mary was battling her human understanding. The script then says that suddenly Jesus met her. Jesus looks at Mary and says “greeting’s” which means rejoice. “ I am here” No matter how far you ‘feel’ from God or how many times your mind may betray him. Jesus is there with you and he wants you to know that he knows what you are facing. He knows the battle of the flesh. The text says that Mary clasps onto him and says Jesus it's you, you are the light in the dark you are the calm in the chaos.

Rock Painting Toxic free

Arts and crafts are me and Harley's jam right now. I love getting creative as we all know. I did a rock painting session with her the night before easter and she loved it. I love getting her to use that side of the brain because I don’t remember thinking creatively until after college. I know as a kid I did have an imagination but somewhere along the way I became a type A thinking athlete and lost that sense of expression.

Piano classes

Speaking of expression I mentioned last week that I will be starting piano classes and I plan to talk a lot more about that when I have more information. I am very excited and I want to challenge all the tini timers to go out there and book something that you’ve always wanted to do a dance class pottery lessons.. anything. Just go book it! You would be amazed by the overwhelming sense of confidence and relief you feel. 

Harley loves the piano already so I can’t wait to learn now and it be something we can do together as she gets older.

Grass-fed beef + Milk

I will give all my hair health credit to the olaplaex moisturizing mask and red meat. I get us grass-fed beef and it has no hormones or antibiotics. It contains more heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. It also has more antioxidant vitamins such as vitamin E. 

As far as milk drinkers Harley is top two and not number two. This girl loves her milk. May explain why she’s in the 98% percentile. Her dad being 6’7” could also have something to do with it but I like to give credit where it is due, to the milk. I obviously have done my research on the benefits or lack thereof of milk for toddlers. I have learned that it is a complete source of energy and is the richest and the most inexpensive source of high nutritional quality protein, calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin A.

I get the organic 1836 Texas farm whole milk at the local supermarket. This newer brand is something I’m very passionate about. I trust the source and it feels like shopping small. I’ve looked into raw milk but for now, this works for us. The milk comes in glass, reusable bottles. The glass is 100% reusable and can be recycled endlessly. Glass is nonporous, so no interactions between glass packaging and products affect the flavor. Glass also acts as an excellent insulator, meaning it keeps the milk colder –so you get the freshest milk possible! You can be assured that when you buy 1836 Farms milk and return it to your local grocer, it will be sanitized, rinsed, and refilled with the delicious, organic 1836 Farms milk!

Cuticle oil

She’s small, she’s dainty, and she doesn’t get enough credit the amount of elevation a cuticle oil does to my manicure upkeeping is unreal. I am using the CND solar oil and it really just makes me feel that much more put together when I walk into a room. Just trust me!

This week's blog is short and to the point but trust me there is plenty of content, platforms, and products coming your way! Read more worry less. See you next week!

Love you, mean it.


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