Whats new, and whats blue?

Whats new, and whats blue?

samantha scott
I love setting the scene and painting the picture. As I’m typing this right now, I’m sitting here at my new work-from-home desk. The intro to my best friend's wedding is playing. The clothes that I have designed are in sight. My daughter is sitting here eating a banana next to me. We just got done playing a sensory game with some arts and crafts balls. I love what I’m doing at this exact moment and who I am at this exact time. That being said, I do not always show up as her now. It feels as if I’ve spent the last three years building this new woman and forming this new identity, and in solitude, I have totally become her. When I am immersed back into life, that is what I have found to be the most interesting. 
I say everything on here in the most honest, vulnerable way. You guys have become my online journal. A mini-love letter from my heart to your ears. So when I say these things, I say them in real time. I am internally analyzing the words as I type them onto the page. I guess that’s why they say writing is so therapeutic. Here I am sorting through my thoughts as I turn them into art. Into a connection with someone else’s thoughts, inspired by their emotions from their heart.

 “An emotion in itself is powerless. What gives it power is your conscious or unconscious identification with it. That’s why an emotion given no attention will eventually fade away. Learn to master your emotions.” 

-Thibaut Meurisse



 As a single mom and CEO of two businesses while launching a third, the most important component to being successful in all of that is staying organized. When I say I like to set the scene, it’s not just for the aesthetic feel, which doesn’t hurt, but so that my brain has a clean slate to focus on the tasks at hand. You guys know how I feel about my time, and in order to utilize your time, you have to stay organized, so let’s do it.
First things first, let’s start with your ideas. However, when you get them out and into the world, we must organize that. There is power in having your vision laid out and writing things down. WRITING THINGS DOWN Let me repeat that because I promise you guys everything that I have written down and set out for myself I have accomplished. There is power in writing and speaking truth in your words. PROVERS 1821 “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” 
The tongue can be used as a weapon to harm and destroy or as a tool to build and heal. What kind of impact do your words have? 
So what that looks like for me is a lot of journals. I have big ideas that I like to use for my spur-of-the-moment thoughts and concepts. I have a notebook for notes during a meeting, phone calls, logins, numbers of a moq or quote for an order, etc. I have a journal specifically for church, and when I read the Bible, I also have a filing area for all my business and personal paperwork. That sounds like common sense, but we haven’t always been here, and some may have too much of an ego to admit, but I know my power is in my honesty, and showing up unashamedly authentic has inspired many to do so, maybe just for that setting, or maybe they have taken a little piece of me with them wherever they may go in this world, and for that alone, I will continue to be me. I will then organize all my photos and screenshots into albums and consolidate all of my notes into something maybe a little bit more pretty, but this is not perfect, you guys. I want you to understand the power of just writing down your immediate thoughts or words that come to mind and putting art and meaning behind them. 
I’m a super nerd for an organized group chat. I have a GC for everything, and I think it’s so necessary and efficient. I will name the chat, add a photo to it, and throughout the group chat, I will use emojis and be intentional about how I type my messages. I will keep all photos and links shared neatly and not just place them in random dialogue and not have them to refer back to. This has upped the anxiety for my businesses. I have one for the skintini models for the campaign shoots, and I will also have one with the photographer sharing concepts, mood boards, inpso pics, etc. I have one with both my business partners for creative consultations as well as colleagues or clients we bring on. I can get granular about my design strategy behind this because I think this stuff matters so much, especially when this is how we do business nowadays. I can’t tell you how many manufacturing companies I have been in contact with that you have completed orders with through direct messages on Instagram. This is a business, baby, and we are brands. We are them; we are running them; we are consumers of them—it's just the world we’re living in, and if you want to eat, you have to get in the kitchen and cook.

Samanthas favs:

  1. MQmaiqing Storage Bins with Lids
  2. Vtopmart 4 Pack 2 Tier Bathroom Under Sink Organizers and Storage

 — chef xx



 Speaking of being and running brands, Creative Consults is a luxury branding agency that is here to help you stop trading your time for money by bringing your brand consistency and creating a loyal customer base while reaching a wider audience. Our marketing agency will focus on increasing sales by capitalizing on quality and using our years of experience with luxury brands across a variety of industries. We will offer an array of services, from logos and branding to website design to social media management. We will provide you with a variety of packages that are tailored to you and your brand's specific needs. Whether you are starting from scratch or need help transforming your business into a brand so that you’re working on it and not in it, we are here.

Considering we are here to educate, we will be sharing the process of becoming a company and starting our brand by building the business and what that all entails through our content and platforms as an agency. We look forward to seeing your dreams become realities, and it is our honor if you choose us to be a part of the process. We will be connecting soon, and we hope this answers some of the questions you may have thus far as to what our services will be providing.



 I have a good friend of mine who owns the Dallas Prep Kitchenso this week we are honoring them in this segment. I have nothing but good things to say about this company. I am a believer in seasons, and this season right now is based on launching and producing, which is okay. I’ve spent the last three years mothering and nurturing myself and then my daughter. I devoted myself to creating structured systems, routines, and stability in Harley's and my life so that, in the future, there would be more space for the ways I wanted to spend my time. For now, this is how I enjoy spending my time. Because I know it’s working, has worked, and is going to work. This season, right here is my meal ticket; it’s exactly the formula that is going to be responsible for my success. In the business of motherhood, my beliefs and my life. 
I have put in a request that toddler meals get put into production, so I will let you know if that manifests itself. Although Harley and I shared a meal today, there was plenty for us to get the nutrients and fuel we needed. I can’t wait to try the filet one tonight.


 I finally caved. I got the Kindle (the newest generation), and I will add a link here. I got it off Amazon. will say I did not order a case, and I might not—I don’t know—it seems pretty durable and lightweight. I read a nighttime story yesterday called A Brushstroke of Gratitude just to get the feel, and I really enjoyed it. It’s definitely a completely different price than reading a paperback or hard copy, but I can’t wait to be able to read and turnover books fast by just cutting out the middleman, aka Barnes and Noble, although it is such an enjoyable outing for you and your little one. I will save it for special occasions because I found myself having to wait to go and get new books, and it was delaying my reading. 



 I have an announcement in regards to the blog. We have partnered up with Amazon and will have a storefront with all the links to my specific purchases, which will be provided, and through that link, we will create revenue for the brand. That is such an achievement, and without y’all, I couldn’t make it happen, so thank you. I have had this plan in action for a long time, so when they say success takes a long time and then happens overnight, they are not kidding because it has been a long road, but it feels like recently my blessings are just abundantly flowing. So I will share more information on this in my personal stories, like most blog content. Other than that, this is all I have this week. I have to get my toddler outside and active and come back to create graphic and social content after preparing dinner. I love you all, and we will talk soon. 




xx Samantha

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