The five latest and greatest

The five latest and greatest

samantha scott

Hello Skintini Readers!


Time truly does fly—it’s hard to believe it’s been over a month since my last post. So much has happened that could easily explain the delay, but I’ve always preferred to let things flow naturally rather than forcing content.
Right now, I’m in a great place. My personal life is thriving, my inspiration is at an all-time high, and my excitement for Skintini and my role as a mother is just magical. I feel deeply connected to my faith, driven, and confident. I’m thrilled to be writing this post today!
In this update, I want to cover several exciting topics:
1 Skintini’s Future: I’ll share where I see Skintini heading and the vision I have for its growth.
2 Life Updates: From personal milestones to new adventures, I’m excited to share what’s been happening in my life.
3 Upcoming Projects: I’m working on something that would have been incredibly helpful when I started Skintini, and I can’t wait to reveal it.
4 New Opportunities: I’ve been presented with an amazing chance to explore a new talent and potentially start a new job.
5 Church Small Groups: I’ll also talk about the small groups I’ve joined this season at my church.
So, sit back, team Tini. Grab your favorite mocktail and join me for this exciting catch-up session.
Thank you for your continued support and for being part of this journey!


Skintini’s Future: Embracing Growth and Lessons Learned

I want to be transparent with you all because you’ve been instrumental in building Skintini. Recently, I faced a challenging business deal that didn’t go as planned. While it was a significant risk and not without its setbacks, I don’t regret taking it. Sharing these experiences is crucial because if I had heard another entrepreneur’s story, I might have approached things differently. I use this platform to offer insights and tips, drawing from my own journey and the wisdom of those around me. It’s a passion instilled in me by God, and I’m grateful for it.
Moving forward, I’ve realized that certain marketing strategies and directions weren’t the best fit for Skintini. This realization has reignited my inspiration and motivation. I’m excited to dive into new projects and refocus on our path. I’m choosing to view this experience as a powerful lesson rather than dwelling on past missteps.
Running a creative business can sometimes leave you questioning your direction, but reflecting on how far you’ve come can be incredibly affirming. It’s empowering to acknowledge and celebrate the risks you’ve taken and the intuitive choices you’ve made. If you’re a bold, risk-taking person—like I know many of you are—then we’re kindred spirits. Here’s to us for trusting our instincts and embracing the journey.

That being said, I see Skintini evolving into a chic, street-style storytelling brand. Whether it’s a lip gloss, a handbag, a leather jacket, a body butter, or a lotion, I’m committed to embracing what feels right and true to our vision. Skintini will embody that Euro summer-fall “it” girl vibe—elegant and feminine, with a sporty street touch. It will offer a blend of nostalgia and a fresh, new self, merging elegant, classy style with an inner swag that stands out.
Skintini is where we come together to become the people we aspire to be and enjoy the life we crave. It’s here to remind you of your unique value because the world needs you—particularly you.
Love you, mean it.


Life updates

Hello Skintini Readers,
I wanted to share some personal updates with you. As some of you may know, I recently downsized to a one-bedroom apartment with Harley and our two dogs. It’s a change that feels like a significant step forward in my journey. I genuinely feel like this is my “come up” story, a testament to the investments and sacrifices I’ve made. Just like the stories of others who bet on themselves and succeeded, I’m embracing this chapter with confidence and excitement.
I’m always open about my experiences because I believe in the power of vulnerability to help others. My life, with its ups and downs, isn’t always as glorified as it might seem. I want to be transparent about where I am, so you don’t compare your journey to someone else’s. Right now, Harley and I are in what I call “grind season,” but it’s all part of moving toward our goals. If the next few months go as planned, we’ll be on a path that sets our family up for long-term success.
Harley is thriving—she goes to swimming classes weekly, is starting soccer, and is excelling at school. She uses her manners, and honestly, I couldn’t ask for a better kid.
I’m in a strong place with my identity as a mother, believer, fashion designer, business owner, and single woman. I feel aligned and confident in all aspects of my life. Thank you so much for your support—both for me and now for us. I want everyone to win, and I love you all deeply. Talk soon.

Exciting New Program Coming Soon

I’m thrilled to announce an upcoming program on the Skintini website designed specifically for designers and entrepreneurs who want to advance their fashion brands or certifications. This program will offer a comprehensive range of tools, including mockups, sketchpads, resources, videos, and links to support your creative journey.
Whether you’re starting a fashion brand or looking to deepen your entrepreneurial skills, this program is for you. It will feature an e-book and a Masterclass taught by me, alongside various tools you can purchase for personal use. I’m excited to share more details soon, and I can’t wait for you to benefit from these resources. Stay tuned for updates!


New Opportunities

I’m excited to share a new opportunity that has come my way, allowing me to capitalize on talents and skills that I’ve always considered hobbies. At this stage in life, where our identities are well-developed, it’s fulfilling to see our passions—whether in creativity, marketing, musical talents, or wellness—transform into profitable ventures.
I’m stepping into the interior design space, blending my love for design with new professional opportunities. If you’re a real estate agent, realtor, or homebuilder, I’d love to connect and explore potential collaborations. Embracing new skills, meeting new people, and diving into fresh experiences are things I truly enjoy. As I embark on this exciting adventure, I’ll be sure to share the journey with you all. Stay tuned!


Church Small Group Season

I’m excited to share that I’ve joined two new small groups this season at my church. First up is a Financial Peace course, which I’m thrilled about. I plan to take what I learn from this course and share insights with you bit by bit. I’m passionate about learning and hope these updates will be both informative and inspiring.
Additionally, I’m participating in a Mommy and Mini class, which should be a lot of fun and a great bonding experience. I recently completed a nine-week Alpha course, which was incredibly interesting, and I’m eager to dive into these new classes. I’ll be attending the Financial Peace course on Wednesday nights, and I’ll be sharing weekly updates on what I’ve learned in my Monday blog posts. Stay tuned for insights and reflections from these enriching experiences!

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